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Allowing SSH Into Two Separate Ports, One For LAN and One For WAN

Is it possible to configure a server such that one can ssh into that server internally on a LAN while being able to ssh into the network interface that communicates on the WAN out to the Internet? How do we handle this? Do we just open port 22 for ssh for both LAN and WAN and call it a day? Is this going to pose a security risk by allowing port 22 traffic from the WAN internally to our LAN? Can we even do this? The answer to this question is, YES! How can we take care of this without posing an unnecessary risk on our server? The answer to this second question is simple.

Backgrounding & Foregrounding a Process in Linux

In this article, I want to explain the importance of being able to foreground and background a process running in Linux. If you’ve never used this technique or have never heard of it, then you will be happy to learn that it exists on all Linux distros and making use of it can really enhance your productivity and workflow.

CEPH Data Storage Technology

CEPH is an open-source, distributed storage system designed for scalability, performance, and reliability.

Linux From Scratch Presentation by Pat Barnes

We were pleased to present a member of the WNCLUG-Asheville, Pat Barnes, who gave

Aliases to Speed and Accuracy

Linux bash aliases are like personal shorthand we can use in a Linux terminal. Aliases let us create abbreviations of a few characters to represent an entire Linux command, or even several of them. Think of bash aliases as command line macros for Linux.

For instance, here’s an alias to print a sorted list of shell environmental variables:

Creating a Swap File Versus Swap Partition in Linux

When setting up a Linux distro using an installer in your favorite hypervisor of choice, you'll need

Google Font Equivalents

This reference lists common Microsoft fonts and their Google Open Source equivalents, along with two

The Ultimate Raspberry Pi Backup Strategy

In this article I’m going to discuss a Raspberry Pi (RPi) backup strategy that I use and that I recommend you use as well in backing up your RPi devices. This assumes, of course, that you own such devices.

The Evolution of the Internet and the World-Wide Web (W3)


OpenMediaVault Open Source Application
