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Setting Up a Domain Website on a Raspberry Pi

Do You Own a Raspberry Pi? If so, What Do You Do With it?


OpenAI GPT-3: What is it Exactly?

JStock - Free Stock Market Software

SMTP in the Era of Cloud Computing
OpenMediaVault Open Source Application


OpenMediaVault is a free and open-source software for building a Network-Attached Storage (NAS) system. It is based on Debian Linux and is designed to be simple to use and easy to set up. OpenMediaVault offers a web-based interface that allows users to easily manage their NAS, including file sharing, backups, and other network services.

The Ultimate Raspberry Pi Backup Strategy

In this article I’m going to discuss a Raspberry Pi (RPi) backup strategy that I use and that I recommend you use as well in backing up your RPi devices. This assumes, of course, that you own such devices.

Elive Linux

Poor Man's Video Capture With Motion Detection in Bash

Laurent22 on Github has developed a very simple bash script for capturing images using a standard

Basic File and Folder Permissions in Linux

Linux handles file and folder permissions differently than operating systems like Microsoft Windows. Unlike file and folder permissions in the Windows world, Linux does not have what Microsoft Windows refers to as “effective” permissions on files and folders. True, one can change basic permissions on file objects in Linux using Access Control Lists (ACLs) or more appropriately File Access Control Lists (FACLs), but the point of this article is to introduce the new Linux user to the basic file and folder permissions that Linux uses when these objects are created in the system.