Title | Body | Authored on |
Aliases to Speed and Accuracy | Linux bash aliases are like personal shorthand we can use in a Linux terminal. Aliases let us create abbreviations of a few characters to represent an entire Linux command, or even several of them. Think of bash aliases as command line macros for Linux. For instance, here’s an alias to print a sorted list of shell environmental variables: |
Linux Kernel 16.1-rc8 Is Now Available | Linux 6.1 release candidate 8, which is anticipated to be the final release candidate, was announced by Linus Torvalds. |
Benchmarking a Storage Device in Linux | There are a couple of CLI tools that can be used to benchmark an HDD (external or internal). These are dd and hdparm. However, for Debian Linux, there’s a great GUI application that performs Disk Read speed benchmarking and both Disk Read & Write speed benchmarking if the drive being tested is unmounted. The dd command is used to monitor the writing performance of a disk device on a Linux and Unix-like system. An example for testing an internal SSD would be: $ sudo dd bs=1M count=256 if=/dev/zero of=test |
Bash Directory Stack | What is a stack and why is it important in Linux or Computer Science, for that matter? A stack, in the context of this article, refers to a last-in-first-out (LIFO) list or more affectionately referred to as a pushdown store. This is in contrast to another arrangement called first-in-first-out (FIFO) used in granaries since the grain is loaded at the top of the tower and dispensed at the bottom into trucks or other vehicles for delivery to its destination. |
Doas: Super Lightweight Replacement For sudo | The long-time use sudo command in Linux has been subject to |
Calculating Subnets on a Linux Network Using ipcalc | Exactly what is subnetting and why should you care? |
Linux Mint 21.1 Enters Beta | If you're a Linux Mint user and this distro has become your daily driver, then this news is for you. |
Tails 5.7 Linux | Tails is a real system that aims to keep your anonymity and privacy. |
Basic Centos 8 Firewall Configuration | The firewall is a vital component of any Linux distribution. This is even more important when running a server versus a desktop distro. Firewalls are necessary since they protect a computer system or a network of computers from an external attack especially in a server environment where the server is connected to the Internet in an always-on Internet connection. |
Kubernetes Versus Docker For Containerized Applications | By increasing portability and using fewer system resources than traditional virtual4 machines, containers make ap |
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