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Calculating Subnets on a Linux Network Using ipcalc

Exactly what is subnetting and why should you care?

Kubernetes Versus Docker For Containerized Applications

By increasing portability and using fewer system resources than traditional virtual4 machines, containers make ap

Tails 5.7 Linux

Tails is a real system that aims to keep your anonymity and privacy.

Basic Centos 8 Firewall Configuration

The firewall is a vital component of any Linux distribution. This is even more important when running a server versus a desktop distro. Firewalls are necessary since they protect a computer system or a network of computers from an external attack especially in a server environment where the server is connected to the Internet in an always-on Internet connection.

Elive Linux

Poor Man's Video Capture With Motion Detection in Bash

Laurent22 on Github has developed a very simple bash script for capturing images using a standard

Basic File and Folder Permissions in Linux

Linux handles file and folder permissions differently than operating systems like Microsoft Windows. Unlike file and folder permissions in the Windows world, Linux does not have what Microsoft Windows refers to as “effective” permissions on files and folders. True, one can change basic permissions on file objects in Linux using Access Control Lists (ACLs) or more appropriately File Access Control Lists (FACLs), but the point of this article is to introduce the new Linux user to the basic file and folder permissions that Linux uses when these objects are created in the system.

Transferring Files Using Rsync in Linux

Rsync is a fast and extraordinarily versatile file copying tool.

Community Enterprise OS Linux System Setup and Product Review

About three years ago I used Virt Manager installed in Feren Linux to create a Virtual Machine of CentOS 8 Linux based on RHEL 8 from Red Hat and then conducted a system setup and product review of this distro on my YouTube Channel called the Linux/Unix/Tech channel.

Generating 2FA Authentication Code From the Linux CLI

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security process that requires two forms of identification to a