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Community Enterprise OS Linux System Setup and Product Review

About three years ago I used Virt Manager installed in Feren Linux to create a Virtual Machine of CentOS 8 Linux based on RHEL 8 from Red Hat and then conducted a system setup and product review of this distro on my YouTube Channel called the Linux/Unix/Tech channel.

Generating 2FA Authentication Code From the Linux CLI

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security process that requires two forms of identification to a

Changing Your Linux Shell

Mounting a Remote Directory Using SSHFS in the Linux File System

This article deals with a Linux-based cryptographic protocol file system known as sshfs.

Backgrounding & Foregrounding a Process in Linux

In this article, I want to explain the importance of being able to foreground and background a process running in Linux. If you’ve never used this technique or have never heard of it, then you will be happy to learn that it exists on all Linux distros and making use of it can really enhance your productivity and workflow.

How You Can Master Your Email Using Evolution

If you’re like me, you can easily become overwhelmed with the sheer volume of email that comes into your favorite email client every day. Your Inbox can become bloated with messages from mailing lists you’ve signed up for, from companies and healthcare agencies that you work with, and so on. Open your Inbox and you’re immediately faced with 25+ emails or more that seem to stare you in the face and urge you to respond immediately to them, not at your own pace. 

Adding a Date/Timestamp to the History in Linux

While you’re in the Terminal issuing commands, there is a file being updated in the background that you may not h

Linux Desktop Continues to Escalate

The Linux desktop has come a long way in recent years, and it's now a viable alternative to Windows for many user

The Openbox Window Manager in Linux